Dark Web Informationgathering Footprinting Scanner and Recon Tool Release. Dark Web is an Information Gathering Tool I made in python 3. To run Dark Web, it only needs a domain or ip. Dark Web can work with any Linux distros if they support Python 3. Author: AKASHBLACKHAT(help for ethical hackers)

akashblackhat akashblackhat Last update: Apr 20, 2024

dark web

dark web - Information Gathering Tool

dark web New Release. dark web is an Information Gathering, Footprinting, Scanner, and Recon Tool I made in Python 3. Since the last release of Ghost Eye, I've tweaked, removed, and added some new features. So that dark web would become more of a whole. For me, it remains a game of options so that together you get a complete overview of your target.

dark web gathers information data such as:

ethical hackers😃

[+] 1. EtherApe – Graphical Network Monitor (root)

[+] 2. DNS Lookup

[+] 3. Whois Lookup

[+] 4. Nmap Port Scan

[+] 5. HTTP Header Grabber

[+] 6. Clickjacking Test - X-Frame-Options Header

[+] 7. Robots.txt Scanner

[+] 8. Cloudflare Cookie scraper

[+] 9. Link Grabber

[+] 10. IP Location Finder

[+] 11. Detecting CMS with Identified Technologies

[+] 12. Traceroute

[+] 13. Crawler target url + Robots.txt

[+] 14. Certificate Transparency log monitor

[x] 15. Exit

[+] Enter your choice:

kali linux

sudo apt install python
git clone https://github.com/akashblackhat/dark_web.py.git
cd dark_web.py
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python dark_web.py


apt update
apt install python
apt install python2
apt install pip
apt install git 
git clone https://github.com/akashblackhat/dark_web.py.git
cd dark_web.py
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python dark_web.py

Disclaimer :

  • Dark_Web tool not responsible for misuse and for illegal purposes. Use it only for Pentest or Educational purpose 🏴 !!! Hacking is not a crime (: ..Pull requests are always welcome.. :)

Happy Hacking ( Privacy & Security No Such Things Exists in digital World, We Can Hack Everything )

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