A telegram bot for searching.

akynazh akynazh Last update: Apr 04, 2024


All Contributors

A Telegram bot that can be used to search for various video magnet links. It supports operations such as collection, exporting records, and automatically saving magnet links. It can be manually configured to block NSFW content and proxy Internet access.

The bot is built based on Python3, supports one-click deployment with Docker, and implements caching functions through Redis.

README documentation in other languages(auto generated by translate-readme): Arabic, Hindi, French , 简体中文, 繁体中文.


The following functions are sorted by development completion time, and new functions will be continuously added in the future.

  • Supports obtaining basic video information and magnet links - 2022/11/25
  • Support configuration proxy - 2022/11/26
  • Support filtering magnet links (uncensored => hd => subtitle)- 2022/11/26
  • Support allowing bot to automatically save optimal magnet links to Pikpak - 2022/12/29
  • Support getting preview video and full video - 2022/12/31
  • Support obtaining video screenshots - 2023/01/01
  • Support collection of actors and videos - 2023/01/04
  • Support deployment via docker - 2023/01/08
  • Supports obtaining actor rankings and film ratings - 2023/01/20
  • Supports random access to high-scoring videos and latest videos - 2023/01/25
  • Support obtaining actors’ Chinese names through Wikipedia - 2023/02/18
  • Support translation of Japanese titles - 2023/02/18
  • Support searching for actors - 2023/02/18
  • Support caching through redis - 2023/03/17


First, you need to download the project code locally, then configure the bot and edit ~/.tg_search_bot/config.yaml

# required, your telegram chat id
# required, your telegram bot token
# required, global proxy, 1 yes | 0 no
# required, dmm proxy, 1 yes | 0 no
# optional, proxy server address (required if use_proxy == 1 or use_proxy_dmm == 1)
# required, pikpak’s automatic sending function, 1 yes | 0 no
# optional, your telegram api id (required if use_pikpak == 1)
# optional, your telegram api hash (required if use_pikpak == 1)
# required, enable cache or not, 1 yes | 0 no
# optional, your redis host (required if use_cache == 1)
# optional, your redis port (required if use_cache == 1)
# optional, your redis password
# required, enable nsfw or not, 1 yes | 0 no
enable_nsfw: 0

PS: If you want to use Pikpak’s automatic sending function, you need to authorize it manually first: Pikpak official bot, and then log in when running the bot for the first time. (My Pikpak invitation code: 99492001, enter to get membership)

Finally, run the bot: (files such as records and logs are located in ~/.tg_search_bot)

# op1. docker-compose
docker-compose up -d
# op2. simple way (Python >=3.10)
pip install -r requirements.txt && python3 bot.py


I use python-3.10.9 for development. Please use python <= 3.10 for development. In addition, it is recommended to use python virtual environment development to avoid unnecessary problems. The following are my development steps for reference only:

git clone https://github.com/akynazh/tg-search-bot.git
cd tg-search-bot
~/.pyenv/versions/3.10.9/bin/python -m venv venv
source ./venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Then you can start writing code. When you are done, remember to write or run a test instance (in tests/test.py). Please make sure there is no problem with the test before submitting the code.


  • English version
  • Video search supports more magnetic websites (currently only The Pirate Bay is supported)
  • Other features you would like to see appear...


Jack Bryant
Jack Bryant


All Contributors
All Contributors

Jack Bryant


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