Bottle SQLAlchemy plugin

iurisilvio iurisilvio Last update: Sep 23, 2022

This bottle-sqlalchemy plugin integrates SQLAlchemy with your Bottleapplication. It injects a SQLAlchemy session in your route and handle the session cycle.

Usage Example:

import bottlefrom bottle import HTTPErrorfrom bottle.ext import sqlalchemyfrom sqlalchemy import create_engine, Column, Integer, Sequence, Stringfrom sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_baseBase = declarative_base()engine = create_engine('sqlite:///:memory:', echo=True)app = bottle.Bottle()plugin = sqlalchemy.Plugin(    engine, # SQLAlchemy engine created with create_engine function.    Base.metadata, # SQLAlchemy metadata, required only if create=True.    keyword='db', # Keyword used to inject session database in a route (default 'db').    create=True, # If it is true, execute `metadata.create_all(engine)` when plugin is applied (default False).    commit=True, # If it is true, plugin commit changes after route is executed (default True).    use_kwargs=False # If it is true and keyword is not defined, plugin uses **kwargs argument to inject session database (default False).)app.install(plugin)class Entity(Base):    __tablename__ = 'entity'    id = Column(Integer, Sequence('id_seq'), primary_key=True)    name = Column(String(50))    def __init__(self, name): = name    def __repr__(self):        return "<Entity('%d', '%s')>" % (,'/:name')def show(name, db):    entity = db.query(Entity).filter_by(name=name).first()    if entity:        return {'id':, 'name':}    return HTTPError(404, 'Entity not found.')@app.put('/:name')def put_name(name, db):    entity = Entity(name)    db.add(entity)@app.get('/spam/:eggs', sqlalchemy=dict(use_kwargs=True))@bottle.view('some_view')def route_with_view(eggs, db):    # do something useful here

It is up to you create engine and metadata, because SQLAlchemy hasa lot of options to do it. The plugin just handle the SQLAlchemysession.

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