Automatic Speech Recognition with deepspeech2 model in pytorch with support from Zakuro AI.

JeanMaximilienCadic JeanMaximilienCadic Last update: May 25, 2022

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ASRDeepspeech (English/Japanese)

This repository offers a clean code version of the original repository from SeanNaren with classes and modularcomponents (eg trainers, models, loggers...).

I have added a configuration file to manage the parameters set in the model. You will also find a pretrained model in japanese performing a CER = 34 on JSUT test set .


ASRDeepspeech modules

At a granular level, ASRDeepSpeech is a library that consists of the following components:

asr_deepspeechSpeech Recognition package
asr_deepspeech.dataData related module the dataset the dataet the dataset the dataset
asr_deepspeech.decodersDecode the generated text
asr_deepspeech.modulesComponents of the network
asr_deepspeech.parsersArguments parser
asr_deepspeech.testTest units


We are providing a support for local or docker setup. However we recommend to use docker to avoid any difficulty to runthe code.If you decide to run the code locally you will need python3.6 with cuda>=10.1.Several libraries are needed to be installed for training to work. I will assume that everything is being installed inan Anaconda installation on Ubuntu, with Pytorch 1.0.Install PyTorch if you haven't already.


To build the image with docker, download the pretrained model in japanese and check the WER/CER on JSUT test set.

docker rmi -f jmcadic/deepspeechdocker build . -t jmcadic/deepspeechdocker run \  --rm \  --gpus "device=0" \  -it \  --shm-size=70g \  -v $(pwd):/workspace \  -v /srv/sync/:/srv/sync \  -v $HOME/.zakuro:/root/.zakuro \   jmcadic/deepspeech  python -m asr_deepspeech


sh setup.shpython -m asr_deepspeech.test

You should be able to get an output like

=1= TEST PASSED : asr_deepspeech=1= TEST PASSED : TEST PASSED : TEST PASSED : TEST PASSED : TEST PASSED : TEST PASSED : asr_deepspeech.decoders=1= TEST PASSED : asr_deepspeech.loggers=1= TEST PASSED : asr_deepspeech.modules=1= TEST PASSED : asr_deepspeech.parsers=1= TEST PASSED : asr_deepspeech.test=1= TEST PASSED : asr_deepspeech.trainers


Currently supports JSUT. Please contact me if you want to download the preprocessed files and jp_labels.json.


Custom Dataset

To create a custom dataset you must create json files containing the necessary information about the dataset. __data__/manifests/{train/val}_jsut.json

{    "UT-PARAPHRASE-sent002-phrase1": {        "audio_filepath": "/mnt/.cdata/ASR/ja/raw/CLEAN/JSUT/jsut_ver1.1/utparaphrase512/wav/UT-PARAPHRASE-sent002-phrase1.wav",        "duration": 2.44,        "text": "専門には、疎いんだから。"    },    "UT-PARAPHRASE-sent002-phrase2": {        "audio_filepath": "/mnt/.cdata/ASR/ja/raw/CLEAN/JSUT/jsut_ver1.1/utparaphrase512/wav/UT-PARAPHRASE-sent002-phrase2.wav",        "duration": 2.82,        "text": "専門には、詳しくないんだから。"    },    ...}

Training a Model

To train on a single gpu

python -m asr_deepspeech.trainers

Pretrained model

This will load the config.yml containing the list of arguments for the inference and run a pretrained model.

python -m asr_deepspeech


  • Clean verbose during training
    ================ VARS ===================manifest: cleandistributed: Truetrain_manifest: __data__/manifests/train_clean.jsonval_manifest: __data__/manifests/val_clean.jsonmodel_path: /data/ASRModels/deepspeech_jp_500_clean.pthcontinue_from: Noneoutput_file: /data/ASRModels/deepspeech_jp_500_clean.txtmain_proc: Truerank: 0gpu_rank: 0world_size: 2==========================================
  • Progress bar
    ...clean - 0:00:46 >> 2/1000 (1) | Loss 95.1626 | Lr 0.30e-3 | WER/CER 98.06/95.16 - (98.06/[95.16]): 100%|██████████████████████| 18/18 [00:46<00:00,  2.59s/it]clean - 0:00:47 >> 3/1000 (1) | Loss 96.3579 | Lr 0.29e-3 | WER/CER 97.55/97.55 - (98.06/[95.16]): 100%|██████████████████████| 18/18 [00:47<00:00,  2.61s/it]clean - 0:00:47 >> 4/1000 (1) | Loss 97.5705 | Lr 0.29e-3 | WER/CER 100.00/100.00 - (98.06/[95.16]): 100%|████████████████████| 18/18 [00:47<00:00,  2.66s/it]clean - 0:00:48 >> 5/1000 (1) | Loss 97.8628 | Lr 0.29e-3 | WER/CER 98.74/98.74 - (98.06/[95.16]): 100%|██████████████████████| 18/18 [00:50<00:00,  2.78s/it]clean - 0:00:50 >> 6/1000 (5) | Loss 97.0118 | Lr 0.29e-3 | WER/CER 96.26/93.61 - (96.26/[93.61]): 100%|██████████████████████| 18/18 [00:49<00:00,  2.76s/it]clean - 0:00:50 >> 7/1000 (5) | Loss 97.2341 | Lr 0.28e-3 | WER/CER 98.35/98.35 - (96.26/[93.61]):  17%|███▊                   | 3/18 [00:10<00:55,  3.72s/it]...
  • Separated text file to check wer/cer with histogram on CER values (best/last/worst result)
    ================= 100.00/34.49 =================----- BEST -----Ref:良ある人ならそんな風にに話しかけないだろうHyp:用ある人ならそんな風にに話しかけないだろうWER:100.0  - CER:4.761904761904762----- LAST -----Ref:すみませんがオースチンさんは5日にはですHyp:すみませんがースンさんは一つかにはですWER:100.0  - CER:25.0----- WORST -----Ref:小切には内がみられるHyp:コには内先金地つ作みが見られるWER:100.0  - CER:90.0CER histogram|###############################################################################|███████████                                                           6  0-10  |███████████████████████████                                          15  10-20 |███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████  36  20-30 |█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████    35  30-40 |██████████████████████████████████████████████████                   27  40-50 |█████████████████████████████                                        16  50-60 |█████████                                                             5  60-70 |███████████                                                           6  70-80 |                                                                      0  80-90 |█                                                                     1  90-100=============================================


    Thanks to Egor and Ryan for their contributions!

    This is a fork from The code has been improved for the readability only.

    For any question please contact me at j.cadic[at]

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