Use JSON files as if they are python modules

kragniz kragniz Last update: Mar 25, 2024




Have you ever been kept awake at night, desperately feeling a burning desire to do nothing else but directly import JSON files as if they were python modules 1? Now you can!

This abomination allows you to write

and if some_json_file.json can be found, it will be available as if it is a python module.


Slap a json file somewhere on your python path. tester.json:

Now import jsonsempai and your json file!

Alternatively, a context manager may be used (100% less magic):

Python packages are also supported:


Install from pip:

or clone this repo and install from source:

To purge this horror from your machine:

  1. Disclaimer: Only do this if you hate yourself and the rest of the world.

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