Small script for AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui to run video through img2img.

Leonm99 Leonm99 Last update: Feb 21, 2024

This Repo is now discontinued.

Someone did it better than me so check it out here:


a simple script addon for takes video as input, runs it through img2img and then outputs a video with the generated frames.


1. Download FFMPEG just put the ffmpeg.exe and the ffprobe.exe in the stable-diffusion-webui folder or install it like shown here. Edit: Make sure you have ffprobe as well with either method mentioned.

2. download and put it in the scripts folder.

3. start/restart the webui and on the img2img tab you will now have vid2vid in the scripts dropdown.

Generally i would advise you to play around with different settings, maybe a set seed, more or less denoising, more or less sampling steps etc, since the output quality can differ based on the input video, resolution, prompt and all that.

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