Fast ASGI web framework for Python

Neoteroi Neoteroi Last update: Jan 05, 2023

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BlackSheep is an asynchronous web framework to build event based web applications with Python. It is inspired by Flask, ASP.NET Core, and the work by Yury Selivanov.

BlackSheep is the project name of the web framework in Neoteroi. With the second version of the framework, the Python package is renamed from blacksheep to neoteroi-web.

Black Sheep

pip install neoteroi-web

The first version of the web framework is available as blacksheep and is not going to be willingly modified in non-backward compatible ways (it is stable). neoteroi-web is currently alpha and still subject to change.

from datetime import datetime

from neoteroi.web import Application

app = Application()

async def home():
    return f"Hello, World! {datetime.utcnow().isoformat()}"

Getting started

The documentation offers getting started tutorials:

These project templates can be used to start new applications faster:


Python: any version listed in the project's classifiers. The current list is:


BlackSheep belongs to the category of ASGI web frameworks, so it requires an ASGI HTTP server to run, such as uvicorn, or hypercorn. For example, to use it with uvicorn:

$ pip install uvicorn

To run an application like in the example above, use the methods provided by the ASGI HTTP Server:

# if the web app is defined in a file ``

$ uvicorn server:app

To run for production, refer to the documentation of the chosen ASGI server (i.e. for uvicorn).

Automatic bindings and dependency injection

BlackSheep supports automatic binding of values for request handlers, by type annotation or by conventions. See more here.

from dataclasses import dataclass

from neoteroi.web import Application, FromJSON, FromQuery

app = Application()

class CreateCatInput:
    name: str"/api/cats")
async def example(data: FromJSON[CreateCatInput]):
    # in this example, data is bound automatically reading the JSON
    # payload and creating an instance of `CreateCatInput`

async def home(culture_code, area):
    # in this example, both parameters are obtained from routes with
    # matching names
    return f"Request for: {culture_code} {area}"

def get_products(
    page: int = 1,
    size: int = 30,
    search: str = "",
    # this example illustrates support for implicit query parameters with
    # default values
    # since the source of page, size, and search is not specified and no
    # route parameter matches their name, they are obtained from query string

def get_products2(
    page: FromQuery[int] = FromQuery(1),
    size: FromQuery[int] = FromQuery(30),
    search: FromQuery[str] = FromQuery(""),
    # this example illustrates support for explicit query parameters with
    # default values
    # in this case, parameters are explicitly read from query string

It also supports dependency injection, a feature that provides a consistent and clean way to use dependencies in request handlers.

Generation of OpenAPI Documentation

Generation of OpenAPI Documentation.

Strategies to handle authentication and authorization

BlackSheep implements strategies to handle authentication and authorization. These features are documented here:



async def only_for_admins():

async def only_for_authenticated_users():

The framework includes:

Meaning that it is extremely easy to integrate with services such as:

Refer to the documentation for more details and examples.

Web framework features

Client features

BlackSheep includes an HTTP Client.


import asyncio
from neoteroi.web.client import ClientSession

async def client_example(loop):
    async with ClientSession() as client:
        response = await client.get("")

        assert response is not None
        text = await response.text()

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

Supported platforms and runtimes

  • Python: all versions included in the build matrix
  • Ubuntu
  • Windows 10
  • macOS


Please refer to the documentation website.


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