:snake: Inject extra fields to each log records

peopledoc peopledoc Last update: Jul 01, 2022
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Python Logging Context

pylogctx is a library for enriching each logs records from a context.Typical usage is for adding some request_id to all logs in order to maketroubleshooting more comfortable. This context is shared by all piece of codeusing logging, transparently.

import logging.configfrom pylogctx import context as log_contextlogging.config.dictConfig({    'formatters': {'json': {        '()': 'pythonjsonlogger.jsonlogger.JsonFormatter',        'format': "%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)s %(message)s",    }},    'filters': {'context': {        '()': 'pylogctx.AddContextFilter',    }},    'handlers': {'console': {        'class': 'logging.StreamHandler',        'filters': ['context'],        'formatter': 'json',    }},    'root': {        'level': 'INFO',        'handlers': ['console'],    },})logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)def mycode(request, ticket_id):    # push new fields    log_context.update(requestId=uuid.uuid4())    myticket = get_object_or_404(models.Ticket, pk=ticket_id)    # push objects, they will be adapted to log fields    log_context.update(myticket):    # Log as usual    logger.info("Working on %r", myticket)    for comment in myticket.comments:        # A context manager allow to push and pop fields        with log_context(comment):            logger.info("Working on comment %r", comment)            # code, use external libs, etc.    # Don't forget to clear the context for the next request. Use the    # middleware to have it clean.    log_context.clear()

The output looks like:

{'loggerName': 'package.module', 'levelname': 'INFO', 'message': 'Working on <Ticket #1>', 'ticketId': 1, 'requestId': 'c5521138-031a-4da6-b9db-c9eda3e090f1'}{'loggerName': 'package.module', 'levelname': 'INFO', 'message': 'Working on comment <Comment #4>', 'ticketId': 1, 'ticketCommentId': 4, 'requestId': 'c5521138-031a-4da6-b9db-c9eda3e090f1'}{'loggerName': 'package.module', 'levelname': 'INFO', 'message': 'Working on comment <Comment #5>', 'ticketId': 1, 'ticketCommentId': 5, 'requestId': 'c5521138-031a-4da6-b9db-c9eda3e090f1'}{'loggerName': 'package.module', 'levelname': 'INFO', 'message': 'Working on comment <Comment #78>', 'ticketId': 1, 'ticketCommentId': 78, 'requestId': 'c5521138-031a-4da6-b9db-c9eda3e090f1'}{'loggerName': 'package.module', 'levelname': 'INFO', 'message': 'Working on comment <Comment #9>', 'ticketId': 1, 'ticketCommentId': 9, 'requestId': 'c5521138-031a-4da6-b9db-c9eda3e090f1'}{'loggerName': 'package.module', 'levelname': 'INFO', 'message': 'Working on <Ticket #890>', 'ticketId': 890, 'requestId': 'c64aaae7-049b-4a02-929b-2d0ac9141f5c'}{'loggerName': 'package.module', 'levelname': 'INFO', 'message': 'Working on comment <Comment #80>', 'ticketId': 890, 'ticketCommentId': 80, 'requestId': 'c64aaae7-049b-4a02-929b-2d0ac9141f5c'}

Install it with your favorite python package installer:

$ pip install pylogctx

There is a few helpers for Celery and Django projects. See USAGE for details!


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