Rename multiple audio/music files based on the ID3 tag at once. Written in Python3.

tdeerenberg tdeerenberg Last update: Sep 08, 2023


Ogranize your music library. A Python3 program that renames all selected music/audio files in a folder with a specified naming convention. Names are generated from the metadata (ID3) from the audio files. Before using this program, use a metadata editor like MusicBrainz Picard, Beets or EasyTAG to add the correct metadata to the audio files.


  • Rename many audio files at once
  • Rename all files in subdirectories as well (recursive)
  • Choose the naming convention (ex. track.title.flac or artist.track.year.mp3)
  • Give a separator for the naming of the file (ex. track.title.flac or track_title.flac)
  • Works on all systems that can run Python
  • Supported audio formats
    • MP3/MP2/MP1 (ID3 v1, v1.1, v2.2, v2.3+)
    • Wave/RIFF
    • OGG
    • OPUS
    • FLAC
    • WMA


Note: When using the install script, TinyTag will be automatically installed

Installation and Usage

Method 1: Run installation script (Unix/Linux based OS only)

The installation script will move the python program to ~/.local/bin. Make sure that ~/.local/bin exists and that is added to $PATH.

git clone
cd Musort.git
chmod +x

After that, simply use the command musort to use the program.

Method 2: Clone repo and run manually (All Operating Systems)

Clone the repository and run the Python program

git clone
cd Musort
pip install requirements.txt

After that, run the program with python3

Method 3: Docker installation

git clone
cd Musort
docker build -t musort .

After the docker installation is complete, musort can be run with: docker run --name musort --rm -v "/:/HostMountedFS" -it musort

Tip: You could alias something like alias musortd="docker run --name musort --rm -v "/:/HostMountedFS" -it musort" then use musortd juse like musort usage is explained above

Manual (options and arguments) musort --help

    musort ~/music track.title.year -s _ -r
    musort /local/music disc.artist.title.album -r
    musort ~/my_music track.title
-h, --help           Show the help menu
-s, --separator      Set the separator for the filename (ex. '-s .' -> 01.track.flac and '-s -' -> 01-track.mp3)
                     Default separator ( . ) will be used if none is given
-r, --recursive      Rename files in subdirectories as well
-v, --version        Prints the version number
FORMAT_OPTION.FORMAT_OPTION...      The amount of format options does not matter.
                                    It can be one, two, three, even all of them.
                                    (See FORMAT OPTIONS below for all options)                      
album           album as string
albumartist     album artist as string
artist          artist name as string
audio_offset    number of bytes before audio data begins
bitdepth        bit depth for lossless audio
bitrate         bitrate in kBits/s
comment         file comment as string
composer        composer as string 
disc            disc number
disc_total      the total number of discs
duration        duration of the song in seconds
filesize        file size in bytes
genre           genre as string
samplerate      samples per second
title           title of the song
track           track number as string
track_total     total number of tracks as string
year            year or date as string

Possible features to add

  • Rename single file
  • Other installation methods (Like AUR, Docker, etc.)
  • Open for suggestions!
  • Feel free to open a pull request or issue!



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