🚀 Midjourney Python API: Unofficial wrapper for AI art generation. 🎨 Python-friendly, easy setup, for developers & artists. Python, AI, Midjourney, art, technology, image gen

yachty66 yachty66 Last update: Apr 08, 2024

Midjourney Python API (Unofficial)

Welcome aboard the unofficial Midjourney API 🎈🚀. A Python wrapper around the midjourney software to generate AI-based images.

Example Image

Setup & Installation

To get started, follow the steps below to run it on your machine:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/yachty66/unofficial_midjourney_python_api.git
  2. Install the required packages from requirements.txt.

  3. If your folder structure resembles the one shown below and you wish to use the API in a file named main.py:

    │   main.py
        │   midjourney_api.py

    Then, you can import the API in main.py as follows:

    from unofficial_midjourney_python_api.midjourney_api import MidjourneyApi
  4. If you haven't subscribed to midjourney yet, you should do so now.

  5. With the same Discord account you used for your midjourney subscription, create a new server (name isn't crucial) and add the midjourney bot from midjourney to this server.

  6. Next, you need to gather specific information to call the API appropriately - prompt, application_id, guild_id, channel_id, version, id, and authorization.

  7. Navigate to your discord server, open your developer console (on mac, you can use fn+f12), and open the network tab.

  8. Activate the midjourney bot with the slash command /imagine followed by an arbitrary prompt, then click on the interactions option.

  9. Firstly, visit the Headers tab and note down your Authorization key. Then, navigate to the Payload window and save the application_id, guild_id, channel_id, version, id, and authorization values from the JSON.

  10. In your project root, create a new folder named images. Any image created by the API will be saved here.

  11. Invoke the API as follows:

    midjourney = MidjourneyApi(prompt="prompt", application_id="application_id", guild_id="guild_id", channel_id="channel_id", version="version", id="id", authorization="authorization")

Wait for about 1-2 minutes, and you should find your generated image within the images folder.

Showcase of Projects Built with This API

Have you created an exciting project using the API? DM me the details at Twitter!

Happy journeying with Midjourney API!


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