Crispy is a machine-learning algorithm to make video-games montages efficiently. It uses a neural network to detect highlights in the video-game frames

Flowtter Flowtter Last update: Nov 07, 2023


Crispy is a machine-learning algorithm to make video-games montages efficiently. It uses a neural network to detect highlights in the video-game frames.


live demo
youtube demo

Supported games

Currently it supports Valorant, Overwatch and CSGO2.



Releases are available for windows and linux.


Firstly, you will have to install ffmpeg (ffprobe is also required).
Once unzip, you can run the setup.[sh|bat] file.
Then you can add your videos in the mp4/mp3 format in the resources folder.


You can configure the algorithm in the settings.json file.
It's where you'll change the game.
config example:

  "neural-network": {
    "confidence": 0.8
  "clip": {
    "framerate": 8,
    "second-before": 3,
    "second-after": 3,
    "second-between-kills": 5
  "game": "valorant"

The following settings are adjustable:

  • neural-network
    • confidence: The confidence level used by the neural network. Lower values will include more frames, but might include some false positives.
  • clip
    • framerate: The framerate of the clip at which the neural network will be applied. Higher values will include more frames, but will take more time to process.
    • second-before: Seconds of gameplay included before the highlight.
    • second-after: Seconds of gameplay included after the highlight.
    • second-between-kills: Transition time between highlights. If the time between two highlights is less than this value, the both highlights will be merged.
  • game: Chosen game (either "valorant", "overwatch" or "csgo2")

I recommend you to use the trials and errors method to find the best settings for your videos.
Here are some settings that I found to work well for me:


  "neural-network": {
    "confidence": 0.8
  "clip": {
    "framerate": 8,
    "second-before": 4,
    "second-after": 0.5,
    "second-between-kills": 3
  "game": "valorant"


  "neural-network": {
    "confidence": 0.6
  "clip": {
    "framerate": 8,
    "second-before": 4,
    "second-after": 3,
    "second-between-kills": 5
  "game": "overwatch"


  "neural-network": {
    "confidence": 0.7
  "clip": {
    "framerate": 8,
    "second-before": 4,
    "second-after": 1,
    "second-between-kills": 3
  "game": "csgo2"


You can now run the application with the run.[sh|bat] file.

Frontend explanation

The frontend is a web-application that allows you to add options to the Crispy algorithm.
It has 5 views:

  • Clips
  • Segments
  • Musics
  • Effects
  • Result


In the clips view, you can see the list of your videos.
You can rearrange them by dragging and dropping them.
Select the videos you want to make segments of by selecting "show" for that video
Select the videos you want in the montage and add customs effects for a single clip.
Once you've made your selection, you can click on generate segments to create the segments.


In the segments view, you can see the list of your segments.
Each segment is a gameplay highlight chosen by the algorithm.
You can select "hide" on a segment to exclude that segment from the final result.


In the music view, you can see the list of your music.
This is the music that will be played in the final result video.
You can select "hide" for songs you don't want and you can you can rearrange them by dragging and dropping them.


In the effects view, you can see the list of your effects.
Those effects are applied to the whole video.
Yet the clips' effects override the global effects.
The following effects are available to use:

  • blur
  • hflip
  • vflip
  • brightness
  • saturation
  • zoom
  • grayscale


In the result view, you can see the result of your montage.


Every contribution is welcome.

Setup pre-commit

First install pre-commit by running:

pip install pre-commit

Then to install the git hook run:

pre-commit install -t pre-commit -t commit-msg

Now pre-commit will run on every git commit.


  • cd crispy-frontend && yarn && yarn dev
  • cd crispy-backend && pip install -Ir requirements-dev.txt && python -m api


  • cd crispy-api && pytest

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