Data collection in Python. Web Scraping with Beautiful Soup, Selenium and Scrapy

thepycoach thepycoach Last update: Feb 20, 2024

Web Scraping in Python (English/Español)

  1. English 🇺🇸

This repository contains script demos of my Web Scraping Course in Python: BS4, Selenium and Scrapy -->

However, I have published tons of free tutorials on Medium. For example, the link below contains more than 10 web scraping tutorials/guides I made.

You can find more free content about Python and data science on my Medium articles and YouTube videos.

  1. Spanish 🇪🇸

Este repositorio contiene algunos scripts de mi Curso de Web Scraping en Python: De Cero a Experto -->

He publicado varios videos de web scraping. Aqui puedes encontrar un playlist de 2 horas de Web Scraping de mi canal de YouTube.

Puedes encontrar más contenido de Python y ciencia de los datos en mis articulos de Medium y videos de YouTube


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